Marske Pioneer 3 – Aerofly FS 1 Add-On Aircraft 2

Marske Pioneer 3 for aerofly FS


15 Meter Sport Sailplane, Flying Wing. Jim Marske‘s latest design. Manufactured by Kollman Composites. Fiberglass construction with carbon and Kevlar reinforced cockpit. Graphlite carbon wing spars for strong consistant wings. L/D 42:1 Minumun sink 100 ft /Min, Vne 150 mph, Vb 130 mph, Vs (stall) 38 mph, Empty Weight 345 lb, Ballast 200 lb. Optional BRS installed. Test flights coming soon!

Aerofly FS aircraft made by:
Krzysztof Kaniewski

Flightmodel fine-tuned by:
Jan-Hendrik Hanuschik

3D model and X-Plane aircraft by:
Yusuke Kanemoto

Tested: Compatible with aerofly FS version 1.2

4.21 MB - downloaded 1271 times

GliderEngine button – open/close canopy.
Rudder with AirBrake button – altimeter setting.
Gear button – skid retracting.
It is recommended to use towing plane over winch because of the pitch-sensitive characteristics of this glider. You could change takeoff characteristic by modifying ‘WinchHook’ location in ‘pioneer3.tmd’ file.

Marske Pioneer 3 for aerofly FS


To install the aircraft decompress the zip-achieve and move the folder “pioneer3”
into the user folder of the aerofly FS into the subdirectory “aircraft”.
The user folder is usually located in your own documents (“C:\Users\~\Documents\aerofly FS”) and
the aerofly Wiki provides further information about it:

“C:\Users\~\Documents\aerofly FS\aircraft\pioneer3\pioneer3.tmd”

The aircraft uses sound files from default aircraft. And because the sounds of the default aerofly FS aircraft
are copyrighted they are not included in this download. They have to be copied over manually and here is the
description on how to do that.

The files of all default aircraft are located within the installation folder of the aerofly FS.
This is the folder where the aerofly main executable is located.
Follow the link to the aerofly Wiki to get further information about the installation folder:

From “InstallationFolder\aircraft\discus” copy all *.tsb files into the “pioneer3” folder.

Marske Pioneer 3 for aerofly FS
Marske Pioneer 3 for aerofly FS
Marske Pioneer 3 for aerofly FS

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2 thoughts on “Marske Pioneer 3 – Aerofly FS 1 Add-On Aircraft

  • Paul Joel

    Hi There
    I thought I would try some of your excellent Aerofly Fs1 add-ons and downloaded several of them. Unfortunately they appear to be all greyed out and appear to need activation. I do have Aerofly FS1 version which is supposed to need no further activation. Please could you suggest a workaround?
    Many thanks
    Paul Joel