Aerofly FS 2 – Cessna 172 Mod Download

C172 doors opened
The screenshot is showing the Cessna 172 Mod in the payware add-on scenery “Monterey Regional Airport” by Orbx.

Formerly known as the cold and dark mod of the Cessna 172 this is a follow up mod of the default Aerofly FS 2 C172. With the recent additions to the default C172, namely the addition to cut the engine and it’s implementation of the mixture slider this “cold and dark” name was no longer accurate. Technically the default C172 is now cold and dark, too, which is great 🙂


The features of the default Cessna 172 include:
(✅ The standard Aerofly FS 2 Cessna 172 already has those)

  • ✅ Almost fully clickable cockpit
  • ✅ Full electric system
  • ✅ Fully working navigation, frequency and course selection, except GPS navigation
  • ✅ Opening doors and windows
  • ✅ Yoke hide
  • ✅ Engine simulation including mixture and magnetos, engine shut down and restart
  • ✅ Fuel consumption
  • ✅ Placing the aircraft on the runway will load it in a takeoff configuration, ready to go, placing it in the air will load a nice cruise configuration, placing it on the final approach will load the aircraft in a state for landing including flaps and trim.

The changes of this mod compared to the default C172 are:

  • + Starting from a parking position the aircraft is loaded in a cold and dark configuration. I hope this won’t affect any other situation. When you suddenly find the engine off, where you expected it to be running, just exit the flight, change your position with the location menu and then it should be running again.
  • + Propeller was changed, rotation speeds are a bit different, there is a lot more prop wash happening, you will also need quite a bit of right rudder during takeoff. In the air the aircraft flies pretty much straight with almost no turning tendencies
  • + Flight handling adjusted: Correct flight surface deflections, more accurate trim for takeoff and during approach, significantly different airfoils and therefor pretty much overall changed behavior, slightly reduced ground effect,…
  • + Brake strength has been increased.
  • + Sunshades can be rotated using the mouse wheel

C172 dark cockpit
C172 cockpit partly on

Aerofly FS 2 Steam Edition (2019-06-19)


Current version of this mod: V13 (21st June 2019)

60.91 KB - downloaded 2388 times


This installation process will result in two Cessna 172s in the selection, one will be this cold and dark mod, the other one will be the original aircraft. (The mod will be towards the end of the selection list, not next to the original aircraft)

  1. Go to your installation directory of the Aerofly FS 2 in the Steam apps, which is usually at
    “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Aerofly FS 2 Flight Simulator”
  2. Open the folder “aircraft” and copy the entire original “c172” folder. (Make sure not to touch the content of this folder during this installation!)
  3. Open your documents and open the folder “Aerofly FS 2” (C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Documents\Aerofly FS 2) and enter the subdirectory “aircraft”
  4. Delete any previous folder “c172mod”
  5. Now paste the “c172” folder from the clipboard into the currently opened subdirectory “aircaft” and rename it to “c172mod”.
  6. In that “c172mod” folder rename the file “c172.tmb” to “c172mod.tmb”
  7. Except for the options.tmc file delete all “.tmd” and “.tmc” files in the “c172mod” folder.
  8. Downloading the zip file decompress it in a local directory.
  9. Copy all contained files and paste them in the “c172mod” folder.

The file structure should look like this after the installation:
“C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Documents\Aerofly FS 2\aircraft\c172mod\c172mod.tmd”

C172 engine off